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Full name(s) of the author(s)
Short abstract: up to 1000 letters together with spaces
Key words
Manuscript’s text: between 8 and 15 pages, 1800 letters each
Bibliography: font size 10, line spacing: 1
When tables, diagrams, graphs or figures are being used in the article these should be numbered in the order they are first mentioned in the text (for each type separately).
Citations and references (the journal adopts the standard of “BDS ISO 690:2011 Information and Documentation. Manual for bibliographic references and quotations of informational resources”)
Citations, references and notes: the journal adopts footnotes citation format with footnotes which are numbered consecutively throughout the entire article’s text (notes are to be indexed in a different way: e.g. with letters or asterisk).
All citations should adopt the same style and format.
The footnote should indicate the author’s name, the publication’s year and the specific page of the quotation or paraphrase. If the article refers to two sources by the same author in the same year, these should be indicated by lower-case letters “a”, “b” etc. added to the year. For a work with three or more authors, list only the name of the first author plus “et al.”.
If the same source is cited consecutively two or more times “ibid.” should be used instead. If the same source is referenced but different page, then “ibid.” is followed by a comma and the new page number.
Генова, И. 2011: 157
Пак там, 160
Hintikka, J. 1992: 225
Ibid., 230
Online sources: the reference should list the author’s name and the date of publication or last revision (year, month, day and, if available, hour). In case the author is a group/organization then the name/title of this group/organization should be listed. If the author is unknown or cannot be identified then it is the website/page title that is to be indicated (in italic).
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 2019 November 21 [online]
Land for Sale on the Moon 2007 [online]
The Independent 2013 August 08 [online]
ArtsNSW n.d. [online]
Kim n.d. [online]
Bibliography list is to be positioned after the article’s text with the sources being grouped according to the alphabet, Cyrillic and Latin (or other, if used). Alphabetical order should be adopted taking into consideration references’ first element. When formatting the list the author should take into account the following guidelines:
- when starting with the same name bibliographical reference with one author precedes those with two or more authors
- several references to the same author are listed in chronological order with the oldest one positioned first
- references to informational resources with collective authorship (organizations, institutions etc.) are listed in alphabetical order according to the first significant word in the name (grammatical articles, definite or indefinite are to be ignored)
In articles of historical research the list with the primary sources that were used should be formed separately from the bibliography list. In this way a review of the analysed primary sources is facilitated.
In case the article’s text is in language using the Latin alphabet but there are cited sources in Cyrillic, then please proceed as follows: (1) in the footnote use a transliterated form of the author’s name – e.g. Василев 2012 as Vassilev 2012; (2) in the bibliography section form two groups of sources according to the alphabet, Cyrillic and Latin (or other, if used) with the Cyrillic sources being included also in the group of the Latin alphabet sources but in their transliterated form (a translation of source’s name, article, book etc., may be provided in brackets).
Hintikka, J. (1992a) The Interrogative Model of Inquiry as a General Theory of Argumentation. Communication and CognitionN25(2-3), 221-242.
Hintikka, J. (1992b) The Concept of Induction in the Light of the Interrogative Approach to Inquiry. In: Earman, J. (ed.) Inference, Explanation and Other Frustrations. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 23-43.
Smith, C. (1980) Problems of information studies in history. In: Stone, S. (ed.) Humanities information research. Sheffield: CRUS, 27-30.
Andrews, R. M. (1976) Growth Rate in Island and Mainlaind Anoline Lizards, Copeia, N3, 477-482.
Hintikka, J. and Tuomela, R. (1970) Towards a General Theory of Auxiliary Concepts and Definability in First-Order Theories. In: Hintikka, J. and Suppes, P. (eds.) Information and Inference. Dordrecht: Reidel, 92-124.
Maitland, J. (1996) “Marcellinus” Life of Thucydides: Criticism and criteria in the bibliographical tradition, The Classical Quarterly N46(2), 538-558.
Bobbio, N., Matteucci, N. and Pasquino, G. (2004) Il Dizionario di Politica. Torino: UTET libreria.
Laclau, E. (2000) Constructing Universality. In: Butler, J., Laclau, E. and Zizek, S., Contingency, Hegemony, Universality. Contemporary Dialogues on the Left. London and New York: Verso, 302-305.
Central Advisory Council for Education (England) (1967) Children and their primary schools [Plowden Report]. London: HMSO.
Online sources:
ArtsNSW (n.d.) New South Wales Premier’s Literary Awards, NSW Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation, [Viewed19.06.2007]. Available from:
Engineering Task Force (IETF). RFC 3979. (2005 March) Intellectual Property Rights in IETF Technology [online]. Edited by S. Bradner. [Viewed 18.06.2006]. Available from:
Kim, M. (n.d.) Chinese New Year pictures and propaganda posters, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, [Viewed 12.04.2016]. Available from:
Land for Sale on the Moon (2007) [online], [Viewed 19.06.2007]. Available from:
McLean, R. (2006 June 21) Canary Islands species threatened by soft borders. In: International Herald Tribune [online]. [Viewed 07.07.2006]. Available form:
Morrison, M. (2011 June 23) TSX Recovers on Greece News. In: Toronto Star [online]. [Viewed 7.07 2016]. Available
Pax, S. (2003 February 23, 19:17) Where Is Raed? In: Blogger [online]. [Viewed 10.07.2006]. Available from:
The Independent [online] (2013 August 9) Baby tapir wins hearts at zoo, [Viewed 25 January 2014]. Available from:
US ISBN Agency (n.d) In: The digital world and the ongoing development of ISBN [online]. [Viewed 16.08.2002]. Available from: